 Melting Stones-Ceramic Art Exhibition of Xiaocao

Aug to Nov.2023

南京 X.SPACE艺术空间
XSPACE Gallery, Nanjing, China




策展人  纪明辉

Welcome to the exhibition titled "Melting Stones," derived from the line "十日代出,流金铄石" in the "楚辞" describing the natural power of melting gold and stone during ten suns of revolving. Countless eons ago, the land beneath our feet was forged through the fusion of earth's fire, molding molten magma, and then shaped and sculpted by the force of flowing water, resulting in Nanjing's unique Yuhua stones. The featured artist, Xiaocao, is deeply involved in ceramic art and is a native of Nanjing. She often describes ceramic creation as the process of fusing and solidifying mountains, stones, and soil with human will, much like a creator refining nature in the crucible of the cosmos. Drawing inspiration from the natural process of volcanic eruptions and tectonic collisions, Xiaocao employs clay as her medium and uses mineral glazes to imitate the natural art of "melting stones," portraying landscapes of mountains, rivers, valleys, forests, oceans, and human-made objects in her works.

In her early works, Xiaocao exhibited a clear inclination towards naturalism, simulating the laws of nature, showcasing its power and beauty. Mountains, oceans, dappled lights, and mists were all subjects that she skillfully depicted. However, in recent years, symbols of human-made objects like floral patterns and imprints began to appear in her works, hinting at the influence of human industrial civilization on natural landscapes. This indicates a shift in the artist's creative concept: are humans like the variously shaped stones, their patterns or beauty formed through societal forging?

The exhibition presents a collection of 15 pieces of art, created by Xiaocao in recent years, serving as a comprehensive summary of her unique artistic language and creative approach. Diverging from conventional painting techniques, the subtle and pale mineral glazes only reveal their vibrant colors after firing at a high temperature of 1300°C. The glaze firing process is challenging to control, making the exploration and synthesis of creative experiences slow and arduous. Xiaocao needs to conduct numerous material experiments to document and familiarize herself with the colors and texture characteristics of each glaze before and after glazing and firing. She firmly believes that each glaze possesses its distinct character, much like the diverse forms of clouds, water, mountains, stones, and all living beings. The glaze samples resulting from her experimentation serve as a reference "color card" for her creative process. Behind the seemingly free-flowing imagery lies a highly rational production method and meticulously honed control. It is within these hundreds and thousands of "test pieces" that Xiaocao gradually forms her own unique language system.

Curator  Ji Minghui

click to see the opening of the show

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