潜之一   40x38.5cm  高温色釉瓷板画  2015
DIVE No.1   high temperature glaze, porcelain






小 草


In the spring of 2015, I came to Jingdezhen alone. I found a space only a few square meters to be my studio, bought only the necessary equipment, and started my first year as a so-called independent artist.

My studio is not the kind of place surrounded by flowers and trees, crammed with books and paintings, that highly trends social media networks; and although it’s not located on the main road, the cars driving by are only a few meters away from me. Looking out the window I can see the house opposite me, almost every day the parents punish their kids. When they get tired of crying, they become interested in this strange sister in the window whom they don't know what she is doing. Then they hide under the window throwing paper wads, they sometimes even aim their water gun at me with suspicious smiles.

I live just a ten minute walk from my studio, and my life goes back and forth between the two. I set my own schedule, sometimes I occasionally go out with friends, but mostly spend my time alone. The air in Jingdezhen is very good, from my apartment I can see the mountains nearby. Clouds hang in the clear sky changing direction with the wind. It becomes even more wonderful in the setting sun. On rainy days, I listen to the sound of the rain, and watch the fog in the mountains; I have a good excuse for my absenteeism. In getting used to being alone, I am also contented in being alone. Leading this lifestyle, I don’t hear too many people expressing envy, but I’m not lonely.

Perhaps it’s because of my natural inclination away to be away from the crowd that allows my heart to become closer to nature. I want to express the feeling I get from nature in my creations; I express it in the form of glaze painting. I have gotten to know many glazes, discovering that each glaze has its own character: some are rough like rocks, others smooth like flowing water. As I arrange the selected glazes together, I allow their inherent characteristics to create the connections between them. Before firing the kiln, I don't know how they will change in the fire, but I can only imagine and pray to ease my worries. As I get more and more familiar with the glazes, I lose my subjective desires, however the glazes take control, allowing their natural characteristics to show through, deliberately not depicting a specific image. In this way, sometimes I am pleasently surprised at the amazing paintings come out.

I work from summer through to winter and looking at my paintings they seem to mirror the atmospheric changes from glowing warmth to the cooling calm. To paint is to paint oneself.


飘动的金蓝   47.5x33cm  高温色釉瓷板画  2015
THE FLOATING GOLDEN BLUE   high temperature glaze, porcelain

生长之一   47.5x33cm  高温色釉陶板画  2015
GROWING No.1   high temperature glaze, clay

生长之二   37x40cm  高温色釉陶板画  2015
GROWING No.2   high temperature glaze, clay

   40x21cm  高温色釉陶板画  2015
DANCE   high temperature glaze, clay

白色之一   35x41cm  高温色釉瓷板画  2015
WHITE No.1   high temperature glaze, porcelain

白色之二   39.5x29cm  高温色釉瓷板画  2015
WHITE No.2   high temperature glaze, porcelain

白色之三   31x26.5cm  高温色釉瓷板画  2015
WHITE No.3   high temperature glaze, porcelain

金沙之一   40x39cm  高温色釉陶板画  2015
GOLDEN SAND No.1  high temperature glaze, clay

氤氲    22x27cm  高温色釉陶板画  2015
DENSE SMOKE   high temperature glaze, clay

金沙之二   33.5x36cm  高温色釉陶板画  2015
GOLDEN SAND No.2   high temperature glaze, clay

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